How well do you control your Hulk mode?
My single story: Anti choleric (1)

69 Ways to become a better person.

Getting Your Attitude Right!
Sunday, 4 March 2018
5 Signs Your Work Life is Overwhelming You
Waning optimism, increased irritation
Performance drops
Tiredness and fatigue
Work follows you everywhere
Health problems
In control and balance
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Saturday, 13 January 2018
GreatGlorious - My Reflections on 2017
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Friday, 12 January 2018
Liberate Your Mind & Find Your Inner Peace | Peace Itimi
“Do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace.” —Dalai Lama
This week's episode of Lead Your Life Series features the story of how Peace, grew up with so much anger and depression, and how it led to discover what she's passionate about. Today, she is a super emerging Techprenuer helping business use digital marketing to grow their businesses.
This is an outstanding episode from our curated stories in 2017.
Lead Your Life Series, is a special edition of Lead Your Life Podcast. We share real life experiences of how personal struggles and seeming setbacks were turned into phenomenal stories of hope and grace.
About Peace Itimi
Peace Itimi studied Medical Biochemistry at the University but is now actively pursuing a career in Digital Marketing after falling in love with it during her time as a Google Student Ambassador.
She has various certifications from Hubspot and Google in Digital Marketing and is actively involved in the Google Digital Skills Project where she has trained over 2000 people thus far. She is also the Co-founder of Rene Digital Hub and has published three Books.
Peace would be telling us about her personal struggle(s), What were her redefining moments, the most important steps she took differently, what were the aftermaths, and what lessons she would like you to take away from her story.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Runtime: 24 Minutes 05 Seconds — 22.30MB)
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Wednesday, 3 January 2018
How to Become a True Leader in 5 Effective Steps
Back in April 2017, United Airlines found itself under enormous scrutiny after an incident in which an elderly passenger was dragged off one of their planes. The entire event was captured on video and shared on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms millions of times.
The value of a true leader
Becoming a true leader in five easy steps
Step #1: Start pulling your employees along
Step #2: Get to know your team better
Step #3: Be the support system your team needs
A true leader supports their team with energy, time and in some cases, actual physical support. So, you need to set up a support system for the success of your team. For example, a recent Rypple revealed that 23% of employees want career development opportunities. True leaders listen to their employees and provide them with the education they need to progress in their careers.
Step #4: Stay open to your team’s ideas
When an employee comes to you with a specific problem, you shouldn’t tell them what to do. Instead, you should try and guide them, so they could come up with the correct solution themselves. In essence, you need to give them the freedom to brainstorm. If you have any problems guiding your employees, maybe hire a business consultant to help you become a better leader that produces practical results.
Step #5: Be their personal trainer
Personal trainers get hired to get more from people than those people may expect from themselves, and a real leader should do the same. This means you shouldn’t hire or fire employees based on their previous experience, because things just change too fast. You should try coaching your team members instead and teach them properly, so they could take on more responsibilities in the future.
Leaders are not born – they are made
When it’s all said and done, you have to keep in mind that no matter what some people tell you, leadership is a skill that can be learned. You need to make a conscious effort to improve your leadership skills that will allow you to properly address the challenges you come across every single day.
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Israel Godwin: We are Driven by our Desire and the Meaning
Ever ran to a chemist to complain of stomach disorder? Or hurriedly call your stock broker because of the news about falling or rising market prices of stock? Or breathing heavily on a mechanic when your vehicle refused to move an inch in a one way street?
About the Author
Israel Godwin is a speaker and transformational coach, he help people maximize their potentials and profit from their talents. He is the found of The Success Academy, a platform dedicated to raising exceptional achievers. You can reach him here www.Israelgodwin.com
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Thursday, 21 December 2017
18 Quotes on Leadership and Entrepreneurship from Leverage Conference 2017
Leverage Conference 2017 Leadership Quotes
Leverage Conference 2017 Entreprenuership Quotes
Leverage Conference is an annual leadership conference that brings together young leaders from several sectors to share insights and principles of personal leadership that will empower them to be intentional in the maximization of their potential as they are committed to the transformation of the nation.
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Wednesday, 20 December 2017
Adeola Olayemi: Social Anxiety Disorder
“Social anxiety disorder (SAD), also known as social phobias is an anxiety disorder characterized by a significant amount of fear in one or more social situation, causing consideration distress and impaired ability to function in at least some parts of daily life” Wikipedia
Most of these fears are triggered by perception from the mind, criticism, or actual scrutiny from others. Social anxiety disorder often show up itself when giving a speech or interviewing for a new job. It is an occasional shyness alongside the attitude of not wanting to embarrass yourself.
Causes of Social Anxiety
Social phobia is quite common, a lot of people struggle with fear daily less regarded of what they do, and how they do it. Some people experience anxiety in most precious all social situations while others anxiety is connected to specific social situations. Majorly in a place they are new at, such as talking to strangers, mingling at parties.There are few causes of social anxiety based on the sufferer.
Temperament goes a long way in human. Parents who are shy, un-intelligent, and scared of social gathering is bound to have children who would suffer from social anxiety. Studies shows that growing with an overprotective parents has been associated with social anxiety disorder.Social experience
A previous negative experience triggers SAD. For example, a young man who is a public speaker was given a negative response/reactions after his speech. He is likely not able to return to his public speaking especially when he is yet to overcome fear and anxiety.Culture
It is known in Africa homes that women are not supposed to be seen doing some things, a place where ladies ought to sit around the corner, such child would not be able to outgrow the phobia created by culture.Examples of social anxiety triggers:
· Meeting new people
· Public speaking
· Taking exams
· Being asked questions in a meeting
· Being the center of attention
· Talking with “important” people on authority figures
· Meeting a “big” client for the first time
How do you know you have SAD?
You might have felt anxious in public once or twice, that doesn’t mean you have social phobias. Here are signs and symptoms:Emotional signs
Self consciousness: If you have social phobias, you pay a high self attention after an activity is done. Example; you had a presentation done, and made a mistake about the spelling of a word while writing on a board, a self conscious person would be worried everyone took notice of his/her mistake and then feels negative about the presentation.Persistence of fear: Each activity the person is involved in, they are afraid of people’s review about it. Thus, interactions with strangers would seem difficult even if it is needed and important.
It is mostly seen in people who avoid public presentation or verbal presentation by all means , they don’t want to be noticed. They are scared of making mistakes while talking. According to Psychologist BF Skimer, phobias are controlled by escape and avoidance behavior.
Physiological aspects
These includes tears, difficulty in breathing, shaking, palpitations, walk disturbance.Behavioral signs
- Staying quiet or escaping from the public before a presentation
- Use of alcohol or drug before social situations
- Negative thoughts: social anxiety sufferers have negative thoughts, they take note of all their flaws, think other people noticed it. They also remember more negative comments than the good one.
Ways out of SAD
- Challenge negative thoughts, avoid negative thoughts. Instead say to yourself “my presentation would be mind blowing”, “people would learn from my speech”.
- Avoid unhealthy thoughts: Stop thinking about what others think about you. The truth, you don’t know what they think of you, a lot of time you assume you know what other are thinking, which is not true.
- Taking things personal: you feel people are talking about you because you must gave a public speech.
- Focus on others: while standing on that podium giving a speech, they are people there who needs to hear what to say, and because your words is at the point of their need. So pay attention to your listener, it makes you feel they are listening to you rather than paying close attention to your voice.
- Learn to control your breath: avoid talking fast, so you don’t stammer be in control of your breathe.
- Face your fear: do not avoid social gathering, they now avoid presentations the more it prevents you from becoming comfortable in social situations. Avoidance might prevent you from scrutiny or negative criticism-which is a short term result, it would create more problem when you can escape in future.
- Get along with people: meet people, take a social skills class and volunteer to do something you enjoy doing. Work on your communication skills.
- Adopt an anti-anxiety habit
- Avoid caffeine or nicotine
- Get active: do something physical and enjoy doing them. Dance to your favorite music, involve yourself in discussions at work. Avoid taking alcohol before a social situation or better drink in moderation.
- Quit smoking and drugs
- Get enough sleep daily.
Further help if self-help fails
- Cognitive behavioral therapy: social skills training is a way to become better at conversation with people.
- Medication: can be sometimes used to relieve the symptoms of social activities. There are three major types of medications used.
- Beta blockers: they relieve performance anxiety.
- Antidepressants: helpful when social anxiety disorder is severe.
- Benzidiapenosine: they are fast anti-anxiety medications, they are sedative and addictive, so they are advised to be used when other medicine have not worked.
About the Writer:
Olayemi Adeola is a practising nurse, she loves to write about teenage issues, and health issues. She sees to helping others achieve an health living. She is one of those who believes sleeping is an hobby.
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Tuesday, 5 December 2017
#IVD2017 - The world we desire begins with you and I - Eleso Moyosoreoluwa
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