About Seasoned Life Journal:

Seasoned Life Journal started out in 2011. It is a platform that help passionate individuals like you get the clarity, boldness, strategy, and tools to Intentionally execute your ideas, share your story, and influence the world with your genius.

It is an online hub for Leadership and Personal development. We are devoted to help you become effective through applications of proven principles and universally timeless natural laws.

Here at Seasoned life Journal , I will teach principles of personal leadership. I believe if you can Lead your life completely, you would be more effective and functional in leading a change your community.

I am also here to inspire your greatness by sharing success stories/interviews of influencers and successful people who are making a difference.

Here is the formula...

Personal Leadership = Clarity + Boldness + Strategy + Tools

What is Personal development?

It is basically the enhancement of all aspects of your life geared towards living an effective, purposeful and relevant life.

What is Self Mastery/Personal leadership?

It is simply living a life of integrity. That is there's a wholeness between your spirit, soul and body by aligning with universal principles. Behavioural change experts have noted that productivity is not doing things right but doing the right things. You might be thinking of efficiency and rules but here I am about direction and purpose.

For example, you will not be able to achieve goals without clarifying values. So my goal here is to move you from efficiency (time oriented) to effectiveness (result oriented).

I will constantly do this by showing you how to LEAD YOUR LIFE!

About Abraham Ologundudu

Abraham Ologundudu is passionate about Technology (New Media) and Leadership, specifically in the context of Africa’s development. Feel free to call him “The Technoleader.”

He is the founder of Seasoned Life Journal. A platform that help passionate individuals get the clarity, boldness, strategy, and tools to Intentionally execute their ideas. Abraham has readers from over 20 countries, and his articles/publications have generated over 430,000 views.

Abraham believes that positive transformation in a society begins from personal leadership. In 2015, he convened the maiden edition of Leverage conference – A nation building initiative which since its inception has impacted over 400 Nigerian youths.

Abraham is the host of Lead Your Life Podcast, Curator of Lead Your Life Series, and Author of two books; Lead Your Life and No Excuse Challenge.

Abraham is also the founder of Bramo Digi, a startup company that helps businesses and organizations simplify the process of leveraging new media and technology for social good.

In March 2017, He was selected as a fellow of the Young African Leaders Initiative, Regional Leadership Center. YALI RLC is a flagship program of the US Government to invest in the next generation of African leaders.

He is a graduate of Physics Education from Lagos State University and an alumnus of Daystar Leadership Academy.

My Philosophy:

I believe that God is the creator of the universe. He sent His son Jesus to redeem us from the power of sin and impute righteousness on anyone who believes in his birth, death, and resurrection.

I believe the Holy Spirit is a gift from God to all who have been saved to comfort us and empower us to live right before God by faith. I believe God is the source of correct principles and also our spirit (seat of the conscience).

I believe there are areas of the human nature that education or any other achievements can never reach but will require the power of God's spoken and written words to influence it. I believe that the key to complete maximisation of the human potential and fulfilment can be achieved when we align with the Principles of the Bible.

Other interests:

Sustainable Development Goals, Graphics Design, Digital Marketing, Technology, photography, dance, music, art, web development, programming.
New Reader?


As a new blog reader, I strongly recommend you visit your start here page. It is your page because it is all about you.

My External Featured Articles:

I have written articles for some blogs and other media outlets. Click the links below to read. Let me know what you think.

Interview with Gilbert Samuel – The Viral Writer.

5 Tips to Help Manage Pressure as a Blogger

5 Warning Signs You are Addicted to Your Smartphone

Blogging Success: What it means and popular tips to achieve that

Brilliance and Intelligence (Stride Magazine)

How to SCAM Yourself to Become Better at Pursuing Your Dreams (Not What You Think)

Are you a FAST Leader?

30 Top Men Bloggers of Aha!NOW

My External Mentions:

Blog of the Week (OgbongeBlog)

10 Superheroes You Should Follow Now!

GAME CHANGERS: He has inspired people in over 15 countries before age 25, Meet Abraham Ologundudu, Founder of Seasoned Life Journal.

Abraham Ologundudu – ‘Breaking The Barrier of Technology and Leadership’

Top 20 Nigerian Coaches and Entrepreneurs to Watch out for in 2018 

Ambassador Abraham Ologundudu on the Teach a Teen Campaign

Connect with me and join my conversation 

Twitter: @IamOabraham  | Facebook: Ologundudu Abraham | Linkedin: Ologundudu Abraham | Instagram: Abraham Ologundudu


Yemisi said...

Hi Abraham, it is great that you have been able to move past the difficulties you had while you were younger. Not only that, you are now inspiring many through this site. All the best!

Abraham Ologundudu said...

Hi Yemisi,

It's nice seeing you here again. I am quite glad that all those are behind me now.
Well, what more can I do than exercise the gifts I have? ;).

Your comment here is a source of encouragement. Thanks.

Unknown said...

Lovely. I am excited about your philosophy and mostly for sharing it publicly without being ashamed of the gospel and your true nature. Thank you.