
Whatever it is you want to tell me, please feel free to leave me a message below and I'll get back to you ASAP!


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You can also use the comment box below to contact me.


Adeniyi Adunola said...

I am a journalist, a amateur blogger as well. a friend of mine, of yours introduce you to me. so please i want you to tell me more about blogging. you can take a look at my blog an let me know where an lacking behind. blog address is
thank and its my pleasure in meeting you.

Abraham Ologundudu said...

Hello Adeniyi
I guess you are my first Journalist friend and i also know it's Isaac that refereed you here. I've seen your blog and i know with a little brush up, you will become better at what you do. How do you want us to communicate. I can help you is you don't mind.

Anonymous said...

Hello Sir,
I would like to invite you to please create your account and share your favourite links, images, blog posts and videos on to get more traffic to your blog and meet with other bloggers. You can also try - A free banner exchange network for Professional Bloggers and - A world of bloggers.

ShunRenHu said...

Hi Ologundudu:
Excuse Me, I Would Like To Tell You, According To The Bible, GOD OUR FATHER Is One Supernatural And Divine Spirit Being\Entity\Person In The Bible, Our Master Jesus Christ Is Our Master Teacher And Preacher Resurrected And Immortalized By GOD OUR FATHER And The Holy Spirit Is Actual Power And Presence Of GOD THE FATHER\Gift From GOD THE FATHER.
Sincerely Yours,
Elijah Hu

Uju Chukwu said...

Dear Mr Abraham,

Kindly view my blog and tell me what you think. Thank you much.

Abraham Ologundudu said...

Hello Uju,

I've seen your blog. You are doing fine already. You only need to improve on what you have. I will be making some suggestions:

1. Write more quality/original content.
2. Work on defining your niche.
3. Stick to your niche.
4. Improve on your design.
5. You need to promote your post.

Feel free to ask me any question.

Uju Chukwu said...

Thanks Mr Abraham for your kind suggestions. I will definitely put them into consideration. Do you have the best ideas on how I can promote my post. I actually write because I love to but then I will work on sticking to a niche. If I want to finally go into blogging full time are they books/articles you can advice I study? Sorry for having to bother you with my questions.

Abraham Ologundudu said...

I have some strategy I use that I would like to share. I can give you a step by step guide and also recommend some books/blogs to read.

Can we continue through mailing? If you don't mind. Abraham(at)

PS. Replace "(at)" with "@".


Robin Salvador said...

Hey Abraham,

Read through your site ( a bit and found out that you're writing stuff that I'm very much into (Christianity and Inspirational). Was wondering if you'd let me write one article for you? I promise it'll be worth publishing and will be a piece your audience would love to read.

Let me know if this is something you're interested in :)

- Robin
Blogger, Servant of Christ

Abraham Ologundudu said...

Hello Robin

Welcome to my blog, I am glad we have something in common. I would like to see what you have in mind. Please send me a mail to abraham (at)

Look forward to you reply soon.

Unknown said...

Hi Abraham

Would you be interested in taking part in the Liebster Awards? It’s a way of meeting new bloggers and reaching out to others. The liebster awards appreciates bloggers who have done so much in the blogosphere.

I was nominated by Deb and while I am preparing to fulfill the requirements. I am inviting you to take part.

Here is a link to the Official rules of the award.

Also I love the way Rachel posted hers so you can see a sample.

The criteria for eligibility is below. Would you let me know either way whether you are interested?

1. Write a blogpost about your nomination, displaying an image of the award.(which looking up there is a mountain of choices).
2. Thank the person who nominated you and include a link to their blog.
3. Answer the 11 questions the person who nominated you asked you in his/her blogpost.
4. Nominate 5-11 other starting bloggers who you think deserve this award, and come up with 11 questions of your own for them to answer.
5. List these rules in your blogpost.

Let me know if you have any questions. I I have not written mine yet but will let you know so you can participate

Hope you will join me, thank you!

Abraham Ologundudu said...

Hello Ikechi.

I was really contemplating on this one. Anyway I made up my mind to participate.
It's nice to try our new things. So, What am I to do next?

Bukunmi said...

Hello sir, please add to the list of 32 best inspirational blogs in Nigeria. Thanks.