You will discover quotes, books, blog posts, tools, platforms, programs and trainings that will certainly move you to the next phase of influence in your life.
I will constantly update this page as I discover new resources that will be helpful to you
12 Resourceful Nigerian Facebook Communities for Smart EntrepreneursShareable Quotes
16 Nigerian Inspirational Quotes of Entreprenuers/InfluencersTop 40 Phenomenal Quotes That Will Teach You Self Leadership
The 8th Habit by Stephen R. CoveyThe 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey
An Enemy Called Average by John Mason
Discovering your Talent by Brain TracyIdentify what they're best at, what you most enjoy, and how to do more of what you love while making more money.
12-Step Method For Setting and Achieving Your Goals by Brian Tracy
Living by Your Personal Code by Brian Tracy
Take Action by Brain Tracy
How to Write a Book and Become a Published Author by Brain Tracy
If you have a resource you think I should add, please email me.
Let me know about your experiences if you engage with any of the resources.
Disclosure: Some links above are affiliate links. They are at no additional cost to you. I will earn a commission if you decide to make a purchase. I have benefited from them and my recommendation goes beyond the commissions I will receive.
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