Sunday, 25 March 2012

Your thoughts, your beliefs, your reality.

Your thoughts simply are "the ideas or opinions randomly produced by thinking or occurring suddenly in the mind" and Your beliefs simply are "firmly held opinions or convictions".

 From my definition of "thoughts and beliefs, we could see that there's some sort of connection between both terms.
We all have thoughts that is "randomly generated ideas and opinions" but the moment we hold firmly to that idea or opinion, it automatically becomes a "belief"

The question is "How does this two factors control our reality?". 

The bible says "As a man thinks in his heart, so he is". Like wise JIM DONOVAN said in his book "Take charge of your destiny : "Your thoughts produce emotions, emotions, in turn, determines how you feel about a particular event or circumstance in life

your-thoughts-define you
It surprises me on how people can walk around feeling a particular way and not understand that it is their own thoughts or more accurately what they telling themselves, that is producing the feeling in the first place.

This is why two people can look at the exact same thing and have opposite feelings about it.
You would agree with me that you are creating your own reality, moment by moment with the thoughts you think and what you say, both to yourself and others.

What I'm trying to illustrate is very simple and precise, but i had to go through all I've said to make you understand how important your thoughts are and how they control your reality.
It has been said that any thought consistently held for about 15 to 20 seconds, will begin to attract a similar energy. 

Let's supposing for a moment you are in a bad mood, you're feeling pretty negative about everything, and somewhere else in the universe, there's another negative experience, by virtue of law of attraction, you will begin to attract some undesirable experiences to you. 

There are no co-incidence or accidents, the universe works with a specific principle that are consistent. Like attracts like, whether we like it or not. 

Let me cite an example: "2 days ago, i was at gathering in a school and as i was looking around, i saw a lady coming down a stairs, and all of a sudden she lost balance, and almost fell, from that exact scene the idea of falling has been taped to my mind. 

Few minutes later, i was going up that same stairs with the thought that i might also fall, i was half way to the top and all of the sudden, i slipped and fell".

 That was no co-incidence, like attract like, negative thoughts attracts negative experiences which becomes our reality.

Readers, i therefore employ us to stick to positive thoughts, lets closely monitor our every thoughts and word, when we catch ourselves dwelling in the negative, do something to intercept the patten and substitute a positive thought in it's place.

"B+. it's not my blood group, neither is it my grade in school, but my favorite quote "BE POSITIVE"

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    Abolaji said...

    Waoh! This is really nice and motivating, great work boss.

    Joseph Olajide Ajayi said...

    nice use of words....,

    Abraham Ologundudu said...


    Abraham Ologundudu said...

    Thank you bolaji.

    Ese said...

    Thanks alot...this really addresses me, came at d right time! God bless u Sir

    Abraham Ologundudu said...

    Hi Ese,

    I'm really glad this information is helpful to you. Please do apply this principle. It works.

    QUIZVOOK said...

    Really Nice Post,thanks a lot for sharing Brother,Good Work.

    Abraham Ologundudu said...

    Thank you

    Iyabo Oyawale said...

    Thanks for sharing. If our thoughts determine our beliefs, like you mentioned, it's our responsibility to closely guard our thoughts. They have power to come true if we encourage them. This works for both negative and positive thoughts. No wonder the Bible says we should guard our hearts with all diligence, for out of it flow the issues of life Proverbs 4 vs 23).

    Promarketingbrand@Powerful Thirty Sayings Of The Wise said...

    yes you got it right, the thoughts we encourage rules and controls our life from inside out. we make our own success by developing and deploying positive thoughts.

    Abraham Ologundudu said...

    Hello Iyabo!

    Yes. I totally agree. We are to take responsibility for our lives which includes guarding our thoughts.

    Thanks for reading and dropping your 2 cents.

    Abraham Ologundudu said...

    Thanks for the contribution. Appreciated!