“Your attitude not your aptitude determines your altitude”- Zig Ziglar
Let me break it down. It is not your natural talent/skills (aptitude) that will deliver success (altitude) but your desire to succeed (attitude).
I went over to Google to search for the meaning of attitude and hee is what I found.
"It is a settled way of thinking or feeling about something. It could be bad or good depending on one’s psychological feeling."
Your insight determines your attitude. Your attitude determines your response. Your response determines your results in life”
I believe as a Christian, there are 3 key attitudes that determine the result you get in life.
- Attitude to God
- Attitude to Life
- Attitude to work
Attitude to God
Your lopsided understanding of God is the reason for negative responses to Him and which in turn is responsible for what you attract to yourself. Many people believe God is Strict, His 'needs' are numerous and his commandments are harsh.The truth is that God is not a task master, He is a loving Father
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life."John 3:16
God’s commandments are not harsh but designed for our good
"For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome."1 john 5:3
God rewards, He is not a thief
"And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and mGod is not a wicked king; He is a caring father.
that he rewards those who seek him."Hebrews 11:6
"Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you."1 Peter 5:7God is not a deceiver, His name is Faithful
“And to the angel of the church in Laodicea write: ‘The words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of God's creation."Revelation 3:14
God is not a collector. He is a distributor.
In effect, your attitude towards God will determine your response to His word, your response to His word will determine the kind of results you command.
It is your understanding of God that will determine if your attitude towards him and His word
This reminds me of the wedding at Cana in Galilee. When the wine was exhausted, Mary the mother Jesus asked the wine servers to do whatever Jesus asked them to do and the end result was that water was turned into wine.
Whatever God tells you to do, do it. When you do it in faith, cheerfully and gladly, God is committed to perform is own side of the bargain. The awesome part is that even though sometimes we don’t deliver as expected, God is still constant.
Life is a privilege, not an imprisonment. What role did you play to exist? Since you fought your way to the ovum when you were still spermatozoa, why complain now? :).
“Before I formed you I knew you….” Jeremiah 1:5
Life is a gift and a privilege. When you see it as a gift, you will embrace life. When you see it as a privilege, you won’t despair of life. There were other spermatozoa that would have gotten to the ovum first.
What you should know about Life.
Life is all about Contribution not collection.
You should make an impact in your world.Life is all about responsibility not dependence.
Responsibility is the price of greatness. You must know that responsibility is not determines by position but every position is determined by responsibility.Life is all about relevance not significance.
How relevant are you to people? How relevant are you to your family? How relevant are you to your society?Life is all about service not status.
“For who is greater, one who reclines at table or one who serves? Is it not the one who reclines at the table? But I am among you as the one who serves.” Luke 22:27You maximize your existence by service.
Life is about disposition not position.
Life is all about sacrifice not surplus.
Greatness comes with lots of sacrificeLife is about giving not just receiving.
“One gives freely, yet grows the richer; another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want. Whoever brings blessing will be enriched and who waters will himself be watered.” Proverbs 11:24-35
Life is a gift wrapped with responsibilities.
If you refuse to accept responsibilities, you die as a liability.Those who embrace the gift of life will its accompanying responsibilities make the most of life.
“As long as you keep taking steps, you keep growing” Mike Murdock
Attitude to work
Work is not a curse. It is not a misfortune. It existed long before the fall of man.To achieve your God given destiny, you have to work for it and not depend on earthly inheritance. Inheritance is not a substitute for practical input. Inheritance does not enhance worth.
A Yoruba proverb says "A child that depends on inheritance, has given himself over to poverty."
It is work that determines worth. Wake up, your work today determines where you sit tomorrow.
“Do you see a man skillful in his work? He will stand before kings; he will not stand before obscure men” Proverbs 22:29It is your commitment to work that determines your attainment to the world,
Work is the all-time cure for lack and penury. Every delightsome worker, by covenant lives a healthy life.“Things only work for workers” -Bishop Oyedepo
You are God’s temple and like any other building, Idleness makes your body system begin to decay and through idle hands it begins to drop.
“Through sloth the roof sinks in, and through indolence the house leaks”When the three fundamental attitudes are rightly in place you are set for amazing attitude in this race of
Attitude tips
1. Grow the 'I am activated' attitude
To activate others, you must first activate yourself. To activate others and get them enthusiastic, you must first be enthusiastic.3 methods to activate yourself
- Dig deeper- Have a good contact with knowledge.
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…” Hosea 4:6
- Put life into everything about you. Encourage yourself always.
- Put life in your smile, handshakes, talk, even walk. Broadcast good news.
2. Grow the 'how are you important' attitude
People do more for you when you make them feel important. Remember to boost their morale daily by showing appreciation of every opportunity. Call people by names.3. Grow the service first attitude and watch money take care of itself
When applicable, give more than is expected.Final words
Develop the right attitude towards everything in Life and watch yourself fly. If you have ask question, ask below. Feel free to express yourself with the comment form below.
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