On planet earth, you only have one life to live. It’s risky to gamble with your life. I am sure you are familiar with GIGO (garbage-in, garbage-out). Whatever you get out of life will be with respect to what you give in.
There are diverse ways you can endanger your life. I know that daily, we are exposed to some risks, but I want to share 5 risks you are bringing to yourself that you might not know of.
#1: No Vision/Goal
You shouldn’t live your life randomly. If you live your life on random acts, you will get random results. There were times I felt all this talk about vision and goals were getting too much until I met a couple of people that didn’t have one.This is very dangerous. If you have nothing that serves as a cynosure to your daily routine or what I call targeted routine, you are limiting your potential.
Whenever there is no vision/goal, there would definitely be no target.
"Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air." - 1 Corinthians 9:26 (NIV)What makes a missile a deadly weapon, is the ability to be locked on a target. A magnifying glass can only burn a paper only when it focuses light on the paper.
There is power in focus. When you have a vision/goal, it gives you focus. A life of focus is a life of results and influence.
When you conceive a vision or set a goal, it gives you something to focus your energy on. The truth is that whatever you focus your energy on will grow whether good or bad. I’m sure you know my focus on this post is for you to focus on something positive that will bring good to this world.
The bible confirms this when it says that “Without vision, the people perish.” It is dangerous to engage in the journey of life without a vision or goal. If you do not have a targeted picture of the end you desire, you have not started living.
So the summary of the whole gist here is this: GET A VISION FOR YOUR LIFE!
Way out
- Seek your purpose
- Read- Like an Eagle:Vision
#2: Myopic Decisions
Whatever status you are right now as you are reading this line is an accumulated result of all the decisions you have made before now.All the outcomes/events that have played out in your life were a product of your conscious and subconscious decisions. The ones that are yet too unfold are fully dependent on your decisions. Even God can’t make decisions for you. He gives us the free will to choose.
If you make your decisions based on instant gratifications, it is very dangerous. Never seek pleasures at the detriment of your future. You shouldn’t be short sighted in taking actions. It often times leave scars of regret in our lives.
Way Out
- Fulfil point #1.
- Be objective in your decisions.
- Think of the long term effects than short term.
#3: Not teachable
The bane of many people’s lives is the dogma they’ve carved out for themselves. They never agree with anyone’s thought.On Monday morning at the newspaper vendor stand, you will see them shouting at the top of their voices. They are the professor of sport, politics, art and religion at the same time.
You can never win them in an argument. Everyone knows they are wrong but they always find a way to twist the argument.
This type of attitude will only make you end up living in the 21st century but with a 17th century mind. You will be ancient because you lack the capacity to absorb new things.
Way out
- Develop a teachable spirit.
- Learn to judge issues not just from your own perspective.
- Don't be afraid to be wrong.
- Respect other people’s opinions. Being open-minded doesn’t mean you should accept everything that comes to you but it simply means that you should test all that comes your way.
- Read My Single Story.
#4: Comparing yourself to others
Some persons are busy living someone else's life. You will be doing yourself great harm. Bad comparison can damage your self esteem.Most times, the persons we make comparison with may even wish they were someone else. Don't live your life with reference to your friends or whoever you think is living a better life.
Way out
- You are uniquely created.
- Be grateful for what you have.
- There can't be another you.
- Everyone has a different path.
- Discover your self-worth. It is not all about money or fame.
#5: Waste Time on Social Media
I discovered that if you browse the Internet for an average of 10hours a day, you would have spent approximately 2 year of your life on the Internet in a year.Imagine how bad it would be if those two years were not used productively.
I know the social media is awesome but I also know so many persons don’t use it productively. It is common among students.
They just take selfies and chat all day. Use your time wisely. Take a free or paid course, develop your talent, learn a skill, promote your band, or even solve a problem. Do not chat away your life.
Way out
- Cut down unproductive usage and get busy doing something real and phenomenal.
#6: You live for yourself
If you think life is about yourself, when you grow old and eventually die, you might as well have to buy the casket yourself and bury yourself by yourself.OK! That’s not possible.
The onus here is that some people act like they are the alpha and omega. I believe it’s not the best. The persons you might be ignoring now because you think you don’t need them might just not be the case in the future.
Learn to extend your love and kindness to others. Don’t just go about stepping on people’s toes because you are entitled to your opinion. Do not exploit people or take advantage of their weaknesses.
Way out
- Understand that Nobody is a Nobody. Everyone matters.
- We all play a role in this world and we are all interconnected.
The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these." - Mark 12:31 (NIV)Conclusion
In the words of Kid President, keep doing things that will make the world awesome. The best way to influence the world is to begin the change right from yourself.
P.S- Don't forget to drop a comment below. I want to hear from you. If you have any further question, feel free to contact me.